Egypt Law : Abatement of the Punishment

Abatement of the punishment as a result of the statute of limitations and the death of the person convicted. Abatement of the punishment as a result of the statute of limitations and the death of the person convicted.
No person sentenced to capital punishment or to hard labor in a crime of murder, attempted murder or beating to death may, after the expiration of the statute of limitations, reside in the area of jurisdiction of the administration or the governorate in which the crime was committed unless the head of the administration or the governor permits said to so do.
Any violation shall subject the violator to imprisonment for a period of time not exceeding a one-year period.The head of the administration or the governor may order the permit null and void if deemed necessary and shall instruct the person convicted to find a new place of residence outside the area of jurisdiction of the administration
or the governorate within a ten-day period.
If the person convicted violates such orders, said shall bepunishable by the punishment setforth. In all cases mentioned, the Minister of Interior may assign a place of residence for the person convicted in accordance with the special provisions of police surveillance.